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Hotels in Bielefeld

A total of 3 hotels is found.


Brackweder Hof

Bielefeld, Germany

Hotel Brackweder Court has 40 modern yet simple rooms. They are kind, hospitable and have fine cooking services.


Bayerisches Landhaus

Bielefeld, Germany

Beautiful hotel, both internally and externally. The rooms are bright and spacious with a nice bathroom. The prices however are fine: for a double room you pay 85 to 95 euros per night, including breakfast. For all the luxuries you get it is...


Ausbildungs- und Tagungshotel Lindenhof

Bielefeld, Germany

Nice, simple hotel in Bielefeld. Very welcoming and good German food. Great for a long weekend or a midweek.

Categories in Bielefeld

Food & Drinks
Spend the Night

Top 10 Hotels in Bielefeld

Ausbildungs- und Tagungshotel Lindenhof

Hotels on Quellenhofweg 125

Brackweder Hof

Hotels on Gütersloher Straße 236

Bayerisches Landhaus

Hotels on Loheide 41

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Photos of Hotels in Bielefeld

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